Saturday, September 27, 2008

Belated Birthday

Hello all,
Today I'm sharing cards made by my son & I. We made these for my aunt for her birthday, set them aside to mail.
Well I totally last track of the days, needless to say they went out after her birthday. I felt so bad.
Here is the card my son made. He needed an idea for the set he chose, so I had him look through the gallery at splitcoaststampers and he chose a card made by Amy Rohl; here is the link to her card . I think he did a wonderful job.
He likes to make cards for his friends and family.

Now for my card, I've had no stamping mojo, none, zip, nada. It's been very frustrating. So I too went to splitcoaststampers for ideas. I found a card I liked and made a copy of it, but I failed to write down the where's and who's. So if this is your card or you know who made it, please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due. Because my card is an exact case. So who ever you are thank you.

I'm hoping to get some stamping done this weekend. Big emphasize on hoping. I have an Eagle Scout Court of Honor to attend today and a Water Fun Day for Cub Scouts on Sunday. Being in scouts is all most like having a second job.

Well I hope you all have a great weekend.

Until later, happy stamping.

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