Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hello all out there in blogger land. It's been awhile, I know, what can I say? Nothing, I have no excuse. Life just gets in the way. Well I've changed my banner, not to sure if it goes with the background, but I liked it and that is all that matters right now.

I have a couple of pages to share, I made these using My Digitial Studio from Stampin' Up!. This is a new product available now. It's real easy to use. These pages are did where pretty basic. I'm not a very good scrapper but I'm trying. Without further ado, here they are.

The first one is a 12 x12, as you can see it from July 4th 2006. I'm just a little behind in my pictures.

This next one is an 8 x 8 page. This is also from July 2006, this was from our first trip to mammoth for the canoe races.
I have some more things to add, but I've got to get myself and house cleaned up.
Have a great day.