Wow, I've been gone for a while. Time just speeds right on by when your not looking.
When I agreed to become more involved with scouting for my two boys I never knew it was going to take over my life. I don't mind so much, but with my hubbies schedule it sometimes makes housework impossible. With that I mean, you know laundry, maybe shopping for food, you know little things. And of course no time for stamping. I did manage to sneak in 2 cards this last week. One was a graduation card for #2 son, who graduated from 6th grade and the other was for my hubby for fathers day. I haven't taken pictures to share yet. They were those "OH! I need a card and I have to leave in 30 minutes" cards. I'm sure if I had managed my time a little better I would have been a little happier with the outcome. But hey the receipents loved them and I suppose that's all that matters.
Well this was a short little post to let you know I'm still here, and to breakup my work day.
Until later.